Friday, February 18, 2011

Martha! Martha! Martha!

Think Brady Bunch and the memorable: "Marcia! Marcia! Marcia!" episode.  Only with Martha Stewart and her Everyday Food magazine.  And me.

I'm starting a personal Julie&Julia journey with the February issue of Everyday Food.  I've read one chapter in Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst - more because she's one of my favorite authors...but I have been looking to change my horribly redundant eating habits (Bread Co for Breakfast.  Stop in for lunch.  Order pizza or bake fish sticks for dinner...).  And the way I'm rubbing off on the eating habits of my children.


So I hope you join me for the next 28 days (or so) as I attempt to make every recipe in this check-out cookbook magazine.  And force my kids to do something outside of their comfort zone.  You know - like eat something besides Poptarts.

See ya soon!

1 comment:

  1. THAT FACE! What did you make her eat? LMBO! Seriously! Was it spinach, brussel sprouts, liver and onions?

    BTW, My secret password was NOODYS
